Subject to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, the Hellenic CAA is responsible to approve/set the ----standards or perform the certification of
- different ratings for pilot licences, the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking pilot licences
- the privileges and responsibilities of the
holders of pilot licences, as well as the conditions for the conversion of existing national pilot licences and of national flight engineer licences into pilot licences
- the certification of persons who are responsible for providing flight training or flight simulation training and for assessing pilots’ skills
- the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking cabin
crew attestations, as well as the privileges and responsibilities of the holders of cabin
crew attestations
- the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking certificates of pilot training organizations of civil aviation aircrew.