
Weather awareness for pilots

In any phase of flight weather might be a contributing factor for endangering the safety of the flight. In this section you can find valuable information concerning “weather”.


EGAST Leaflet GA 3 Weather Anticipation

  • Aviation forecasts are important, and pilots must always expect to meet the forecast conditions.
  • However, a forecast only describes what is most likely to happen, and pilots must consider other possible scenarios. This leaflet helps pilots recognise the approach of worsening weather before they fly into it.


EGAST Leaflet GA 10 In flight Icing

  • It provides guidance to pilots of non-complex aeroplanes without modern ice protection systems. Topics include icing after landing, effects of icing, propeller icing, pre-flight planning, pre-flight checks and ground de-icing, and typical in-flight icing scenarios.


EGAST Leaflet GA 5 Piston Engine Icing

  • This leaflet focusses on piston engine icing. Induction system icing in piston engines is commonly referred to as ‘carburettor icing’. Although that is only one form, such icing can occur at any time, even on warm days, particularly humid ones… If correct action is not taken, the engine may stop, especially at low power settings during approach. This leaflet is intended to assist pilots of carburetted piston engined aircraft operating below 10 000 feet by providing background information and a few practical tips.


EHEST Leaflet HE 13 Weather Threat for VMC Flights 

  • This leaflet aims to reinforce to pilots the need to understand aviation weather, including the appropriate threat assessments and strategies to adopt in relation to pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight operations for a helicopter flight to be conducted under Visual Meteorology Conditions (VMC).
  • Aviation forecasts are important for pilots to identify weather threats and put in place a strategy to mitigate those threats during pre-flight planning. However, a forecast only describes what is most likely to happen, and pilots must consider other possible outcomes associated with particular weather patterns.
  • Besides, it is not unusual for in-flight weather to differ from the forecast weather. When this occurs pilots have to recognise the unanticipated threat of deteriorating weather and put into place a timely strategy to mitigate the threat of an undesired aircraft state.


METAR and TAF Codes: Aircrew Quick Reference to the METAR and TAF Codes is an easily understood explanation of the METAR and TAF codes with examples, produced by USAF. 

Windshear Awareness from AIRBUS.

  • Flight crew awareness and alertness are key factors in the successful application of windshear avoidance and escape / recovery techniques.
  • This Flight Operations Briefing Note provides an overview of operational recommendations and training guidelines for aircraft operation in forecast or suspected windshear or downburst conditions.


Weather Threat For VMC Flights – IIMC – helicopter operations oriented (AIRPOWER Safety Department)(HCAA’s site)

HCAA SIAN 04-2022 Extra-tropical and tropical-like cyclones in the Mediterranean (Medicanes) (HCAA’s site)

Valuable published information:

  • Pilot ready
  • Aircraft ready
  • Ready for the environment
  • Staying warm-beware of carbon Monoxide poisoning

