Personal data processing by the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) is governed by the provisions of current legislation, in particular the “General Data Protection Regulation” (EU 2016/679).
Personal data collection and processing by the HCAA aims to exercise a public authority assigned to it, to fulfill a duty performed in the public interest, to comply with its legal obligations and to perform a contract to which it is a party or upon request of the data subject to take measures before entering into this contract.
Personal data collection and processing by the HCAA is based on the principles of legality, objectivity, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage period limitation, integrity, confidentiality and compatibility of purpose. Personal data is protected with appropriate security policies and shared only where legally required.
The subjects of the personal data have the right to information, access, correction of inaccuracies and completion, request restriction of processing and opposition.
For any further information you can contact HCAA by telephone (2103541330) or by e-mail ([email protected]).