
Aviation Security

According to law 4757/20, the above are implemented by the Aviation Security, and Air Carriers Security, Cyber Security and Security Equipment Departments of the Directorate of Aviation Security and Environmental Protection of the HCAA.


Department of Aviation Security with responsibilities, including inter alia the regulation, certification, supervision and development of security regulations and standards, such as the National Civil Aviation Security Program (NCASP), the National Civil Aviation Security Training Program (NCASTP) and the National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Program (NCASCQP), as well as security issues at airports, water airports and operators operating on and off the airports and providing goods and / or services at airports.

B) Department of Air Carriers Security, Cyber Security and Security Equipment with responsibilities, including inter alia the regulation, certification, supervision and development of civil aviation security standards, such as cyber issues in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Authority, to all air carriers, air cargo entities and in-flight suppliers.