The Ukrainian crisis has led to new safety issues and possibly strengthened pre-existing ones.
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), in cooperation with the Member States' regulatory authorities and the aviation industry, has developed a safety risk portfolio to identify safety issues, which may affect commercial aviation and result from or are related to the above crisis.
From the many safety issues identified, EASA, after analyzing them, selected twenty (20) of them and presents them in the attached review.
Each safety issue has a title and a description. Where available, mitigation measures are provided alongside the issue of safety.
Although most of the attached safety issues do not affect our country and organizations, HCAA urges safety managers of organisations to study the attached EASA text, as some of the issues may affect the operation of their organization and this can be determined a posteriori after performing relevant analysis.
Safety managers are called to know the results of the relevant analysis as well as possible actions at [email protected] .
It is reminded your obligation to report any incident affecting safety, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 376/2014, through the ECCAIRS2 platform ( ).