
Loss of Control (LOC-I) at Take-Off

EASA’s website presents valuable information on how to overcome the undesirable situation of stalling and upsetting during take-off operations.

For further information please:

- study the leaflets of EGAST GA 2 Decision Making, EGAST GA 3 Weather Anticipation & EGAST GA9 Flight Information Service.

- watch the video from AOPA on Weather Wise: Beyond Go/No-Go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0ngxGUtR0Y&list=PLmZXwtLoBH8xzI2DV4-cgkAiQR3xnKP4Z&index=7

- watch the video from AOPA on Takes offs and Landings: Determining an Abort Point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH3ED7jKaCQ

For Using of Erroneous Parameters at take-off please refer to EASA SIB 2016-02R1

And of course never forget ICE : EGAST Leaflet GA10 In Flight Icing