Air Navigation and Airspace

Air Navigation Services

Air traffic and airspace management along with air navigation consist vital parts of aviation ecosystem. within their realm take place all those functions that make possible the safe, orderly and expeditious flight of an aircraft regardless of its status, civil or military, having very different operational purposes respectively.

The aviation industry has as it’s timeless mission the support and enhancement of global air transport network, meeting the broad needs of socio-economic development as well as worldwide connectivity, taking into account passengers and businesses needs. at the same time, commits to deliver maximum safety and security, reduced enviromental footprint along with continuous improvement of air navigation infrastructure, in order for the capacity performance demanding goals, due to increased traffic for the transport of people and/or cargo, to be met.

On the other hand, the valuable resource of airspace volume accommodates some very distinct users such as operational search and rescue flights, hospital flights, special military flights e.t.c. or unmanned aircraft systems like the well known to us drones. all these special categories of new and old users have to be served with the most safe, secure, efficient & enviromentally friendly way.

Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, as the competent authority, through certification, regulations and continuous oversight of the functions of air traffic services, communication-navigation-surveillance, aeronautical information services, meteorological services, air traffic flow & airspace management, flight procedure design and data services, becomes the strategic regulator of safe aviation activities in Greece of any category of airspace user.