Implementation of Regulation (EU) 2023/989 with respect to acceptance of the On-the-Job training by Hellenic CAA
To whom it concern:
Maintenance organisations providing On-the-Job Training approved by HCAA
Applicants seeking first type endorsement to their Aircraft Maintenance License
Information to the Approved Maintenance Organisations:
- All approvals issued by HCAA to Approved Maintenance Organisations for performance of the OJT either through the MOE or CAE or directly by acceptance letter are valid up to 12 June 2024.
- Organisations intending to continue this activity after the 12 June 2024, shall fully comply with the new requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2023/989 and to submit relevant application to HCAA – Airworthiness Section.
Information for mechanics:
All approvals issued by HCAA to Approved Maintenance Organisations for performance of the OJT either through the MOE or CAE or directly by acceptance letter are valid up to 12 June 2024.
All the mechanics that intend to apply for endorsement of the first type to their AML after 12 June 2024 shall assure that before they start the OJT:
- The organization that provides the OJT is approved by HCAA
- The list of OJT tasks and OJT program for the particular type is accepted by HCAA
- The participation of the applicant in the OJT has been notified to HCAA – Airworthiness Section
Attention: There is no transition period!
- The On-the-Job Training can be performed only in organisations approved by the HCAA. The OJT logbook shall be approved before commencement of the training.
- HCAA approves OJT only for organization not for individuals.
Organisation approved from HCAA to provide OJT
Organisation |
Ref. Num. |
Aircraft types |
1 |
(EL.145.0008) |
A320, ATR 42/72 |
2 |
(EL.145.0041) |
A320, ATR 42/72 |
3 |
A320, B737 |
4 |
A 350 |
5 |
A320, A330, A350, B737, B777, B787 |