According to L.4757/2020, the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for the regulation and supervision of water aerodromes, while it also participates in the process of water aerodromes licensing.
More specifically, the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for approving:
• The Water Aerodrome Manual
• The Security Program (Security Program), subject to the consent of the competent authorities of the Hellenic Coast Guard or of the Hellenic Police, depending on the operation of the water aerodrome in sea area or lake, respectively
• The Emergency Plan, subject to the consent of the competent authorities of the Hellenic Coast Guard or of the Hellenic Police, depending on the operation of the water aerodrome in sea area or lake respectively, of the Fire Brigade for matters within its competence, as well as of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection.
The Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority also participates in the "Water Aerodromes Committee" with staff from the Air Navigation and Airports Supervision & Aviation Security and Environmental Protection Directorates.