
Required Documents per Application Case

General Instructions regarding PART 66 applications:

  • Each application for aircraft maintenance license is submitted to the competent authority of the Member State that issued the original aircraft maintenance license.
  • All required documents accompanying each application will be submitted as attachments to the email in separate PDF files.
  • A separate application (Form 19) shall be submitted for each separate modification requested  

Example: In case of an application for the initial issuance of a part 66 license and the addition of two types of aircraft, one request will be submitted with the necessary documents and forms for the initial license, and a separate request for each modification or addition of aircraft type. In total, three separate applications will be submitted via three (3) different emails.

  • All certificates that are not available in English and pertain to supporting documents issued by third countries must be submitted in English, either with the prescribed consular certification or the relevant Hague apostille stamp.
  • The application mail must contain the applicant’s full name, license number (if applicable) and the type of application (initial or amendment)

Example: In case of John Papadopoulos application for renewal with License number EL.66.0000 is to be submitted the email subject should be as follows: JOHN PAPADOPOULOS – EL.66.0000 – RENEWAL AML

  • Certificates of Recognition for basic training and examinations are valid for 10 years up to the date of application.
  • Certificates of Recognition for type training and examinations are valid for 3 years from the date the training starts up to the date of application.
  • Certificates of Recognition issued before 12 June 2024 shall comply with the Regulation (EU) 1321/2014.
  • Certificates of Recognition for examinations issued after 12 June 2024 shall comply with the Regulation (EU) 2023/989.
  • Certificates of Recognition for basic training issued after 12 June 2024 shall comply with the Regulation (EU) 2023/989 except if
  • Any basic training course, or part thereof, that commenced before 12 June 2024 shall be finished, including any related examination, before 12 June 2026.
  • The corresponding certificates of recognition shall also be issued before 12 June 2026. Certificates of recognition referred shall be issued in accordance with this Regulation in its version applicable before 12 June 2024.

Mixed Certificates of Recognition
It is acceptable to submit Certificates of Recognition for basic examinations (only examinations without training) issued according to the Regulations (EU) 1321/2014 and (EU) 2023/989 but each module shall be completed according to one or the other Regulation.

Practical experience
1. Practical experience shall be gained in organisations approved according to EASA Part 145 or CAO organisation or under supervision of independent certifying staff holder of EASA Part 66 license (within limitations of the license).
2. Practical experience can be gained in maintenance organizations approved by the local Authority, but at least one (1) year of the experience shall be gained in EASA Part 145 or CAO organization.
3. Practical experience can include On-the-Job Training.

Practical experience for “C” license
Practical experience for “C” license shall include participation in base maintenance according to the Regulation.

Required supporting documents per case:

  1. Initial issuance of basic aircraft maintenance license.:
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • The payment form (e-paravolo) with code 4505.
  • Photocopy of the identity card, passport, and residence permit where required, along with the corresponding credentials of the individual submitting the application with relevant authorization.
  • Photocopy of the technical educational training. (In case of recognition of the applicant as a skilled worker, the detailed syllabus of the workshop courses of the technical educational institution should be submitted)
  • Photocopy of the modules of the corresponding category from a Part 147 organization or by a competent authority of a Member State.
  • Photocopy of maintenance tasks in a personal experience logbook, in pdf format signed by the Quality Department and also in excel in an editable form.
  1. Modification of aircraft maintenance license (addition of category/subcategory):
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • The fee payment form (e-paravolo) with code 4506.
  • Photocopy of the identity card, passport, and residence permit where required, along with the corresponding credentials of the individual submitting the application with relevant authorization.
  • Photocopy of the modules (Certificate of Recognition) of the corresponding category / subcategory by an organization Part 147 or by a competent authority of a Member State.
  • Photocopy of maintenance tasks in a personal experience logbook. (In case of adding a category / subcategory, a separate personal experience logbook per category).
  1. Modification of aircraft maintenance license (addition of aircraft type)
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • The fee payment form (e-paravolo) with code 4506.
  • Photocopy of the identity card (ID), passport, and residence permit where required, along with the corresponding credentials of the individual submitting the application with relevant authorization.
  • Photocopy of successful examinations of theoretical and practical courses on type from a Part 147 organization.
  • Photocopy of On Job Training (O.J.T.) from an organization Part 145 for the first type of aircraft in the corresponding category / subcategory only. (Regulation EK) 2023/989
  1. Replacement of aircraft maintenance license (due to damage, loss, or theft).
  • The application (Form 19) signed with the reason of the application.
  • The fee payment form (e-paravolo) with code 4507.
  • Photocopy of the identity card (ID), passport, and residence permit where required, along with the corresponding credentials of the individual submitting the application with relevant authorization.
  • In case of damage, a relevant responsible declaration from the license holder is required.
  • In case of theft or loss, a relevant declaration to the competent police authority is required. For foreign license holders residing abroad, the corresponding declaration to the competent police authority along with the required translation and authentication (consular authority or The Hague apostille stamp) is required.
  1. Renewal of aircraft maintenance license due to expiration.:
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • The fee payment form (e-paravolo) with code 4508.
  • Photocopy of the identity card (ID), passport, and residence permit where required, along with the corresponding credentials of the individual submitting the application with relevant authorization.
  1. Recognition of courses from technological institutions for exemption from examinations in courses for the issuance of basic aircraft maintenance license:
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • Photocopy of the identity card (ID), passport, and residence permit where required.
  • Photocopy of the Certificate of studies of the Technological Educational Institute.
  • Photocopy of the analytical examination results.

Recognized educational institutions:

  • The Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece - Department of Aircraft Engineering.
  1. Recognition of aviation experience outside civil aviation:
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • Photocopy of ID.
  • Photocopy of the bachelor’s degree from the technical school.
  • Photocopy of the maintenance tasks in a personal experience logbook.
  1. Modification of aircraft maintenance license (change of personal details):
  • The application (Form 19) completed with the required fields and signed.
  • The fee payment form (e-paravolo) with code 4506.
  • Photocopy of the identity card, passport, and residence permit where required, along with the corresponding credentials of the individual submitting the application with relevant authorization.
  • Photocopy of an official document for the verification of changes.

The Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority recognizes experience in non-civil aviation aircraft up to 2 years in applicants who have served in the Hellenic Military forces and Hellenic Security forces.

Incompletely submitted applications will be rejected, (Part-66 (66.A.10f))
























Information about the fee payment methods can be found in the “FAQ” on the Main Menu.

Fee codes or the amount of fees may change in the future.