Denied boarding means the refusal of the airline to carry passengers even if they show up for boarding:
- the indicated time at the ticket control and
- have a confirmed reservation
and without serious reasons for not being allowed to board (health, flight safety, aviation security, lack of travel documents).
There are two types of denied boarding:
- Voluntary denied boarding
If a flight is overbooked, the airline is looking for passengers willing to surrender their reservations (volunteers).
If you become a volunteer, the airline provides you with:
Specific benefit, the details of which (conditions) are agreed between you and the airline
Choice between:
- Return within seven (7) days of the ticket price for the part that was not used or even for the part that was used if the flight no longer serves any purpose AND if there are reasons, return to the original point of departure
- Alternative flight to your final destination as soon as possible, under comparable conditions
- Alternative flight to the final destination another day to serve you under comparable conditions if there are seats
- Involuntary denied boarding
If an insufficient number of volunteers emerge from the above process, the airline may deny boarding against your will. In that case, the airline must provide:
Compensation as follows:
- for short-haul flights (up to 1,500 km): 250 euros
- for medium-distance flights (from 1,500 to 3,500 km and intra-Community over 1,500 km): 400 euros
- for long-haul flights (over 3,500 km): 600 euros
(!) The above compensation can be reduced by 50%, if the airline offers you transfer οn another flight, which in relation to the original flight for which you had booked, reaches the final destination:
- Up to two (2) hours later for all flights up to 1 500 km or
- Up to three (3) hours later for all intra-Community flights over 1 500 km and for all other flights between 1 500 and 3 500 km or
- Up to four (4) hours later for all flights not covered in (a) or (b)
Choice between:
- Return within seven (7) days of the ticket price for the part that was not used or even for the part that was used if the flight no longer serves any purpose AND if there are reasons, return to the original point of departure
- Alternative flight to your final destination as soon as possible, under comparable conditions
- Alternative flight to the final destination another day to serve you under comparable conditions provided that there are seats
Care as follows:
- meals and refreshments depending on the waiting time
- two phone calls, telex or fax or e-mail.
- hotel accommodation and transfer between airport and accommodation (hotel or other), if the trip is to take place at least the next day