
Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority hosted in Athens the 6th meeting of ICAO/CAEP Working Group 2 on Airports and Operations (Athens / April 22-26, 2024)


The Working Group 2 (WG2) on Airports and Operations supports environmental issues related to airports and aircraft operations in the vicinity of the airports for the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (ICAO/CAEP). The WG2 develops guidance and best practices on various environmental topics to enhance and improve the environmental management policies.

The WG2 successfully concluded a five-day international workshop, which took place the week 22-26 April 2024, and brought together 40 participants from ICAO member states all over the world.

With constructive discussions around the environmental issues related to airports and aircraft operations, the workshop focused, among other things, on the importance to develop and disseminate guidance to States, aviation authorities and planners on environmental issues related to airport expansion, construction, and operation, define operational procedures, strategies, and opportunities.


The workshop was officially opened by the General Director of HCAA General Directorate of Aviation Activities, Mr. Konstantinos Karageorgis, who welcomed all participants and presented HCAA environmental actions and initiatives taken in Greek Airports.


HCAA and other European Civil Aviation Authorities, US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transport Canada, ACI, IATA, CANSO, ICCAIA, IFALPA, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are active participants to the deliberations of ICAO/CAEP/WG2. Key areas of discussion included in the CAEP/13 cycle (2022-2025) are:

  • Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience
  • GHG Management and Mitigation at Airports
  • Air Navigation and Traffic Management Environmental Opportunities
  • Operational Measures to Reduce Noise and Emissions
  • Innovation and Technology in Airport Sustainability
  • Airports and Operations Community Engagement
  • Operational Opportunities to Reduce Non-CO2 Effects on Climate Change, Contrails and Aviation Induced Cirrus
  • New E-Publications for Eco-Airport Toolkit Collection

Latest developments and conclusions of the working group were successfully presented, and the deliverables were discussed with a view to final submission of CAEP deliverables in February 2025.